Spiritual Art with Healing Affirmations - 1999 to Now

Writing affirmations, drawing and painting strengthened my studies; it allowed me to express my most meaningful lessons in these fifty years on this journey. What follows here will be some affirmations and visualizations of faith that I began recording in my spiritual journal January 10, 1999. I continue with faith, then strength and all the other ten powers.

Art from Affirmations


Inflow of the Royal Blue Light of Faith

Affirmation on January 10, 1999

I become calm. I accept my I Am Self contact.
I am faith in action,
confident, quickened and renewed.
I have faith that my I Am Self
is healing my emotions.
It is guiding me in how
and what to do to help the healing.
It conducts divine royal blue light into my
cerebrum in my brain.
This God-given energy of faith then flows
to all my twelve I Am power centers in me.
Next, I am peaceful, thankful and joyful
because I know my emotions
are healed by my spiritual power of faith.

Faith in Action

Affirmation on January 11, 1999

As my faith and mortal consciousness
are tested many times in a day,
I call into action my I Am Christ/Self.

In Christ awareness,
I act in Christ consciousness
I begin with faith.

Faith activates
all the twelve power centers in my brain.

The more I use my power of faith
and all my twelve powers,
the stronger they are.

Spirit does the work of faith through me
and I am immediately grateful.

I am able to do many things
by the power of my Christ Self.

I am faith in action.

Faith Grows Daily

Affirmation on January 12, 1999

My faith grows daily the more I use it
for anything in my life.

I accept the royal blue light of faith
flowing into my brain
at the top of my head.

I apply this light to my thoughts
now filled with royal blue light
to any challenge, any fear, any need
or mortal condition.

I feel myself grow so much that
I stand on top of my world.

I am happy to have my faith shown
to all who are searching for faith.
They will be able to demonstrate it
for themselves.

Faith and Protection

Affirmation in January, 1999

I have faith that I am surrounded by
the white light of love and protection.

Consciously I see it wrapping around me
in a right to left spiral from the bottom of my feet
up to the top of my head.

I leave the top of this cocoon of light open and
connected like a stem to Source,
Almighty Father-Mother God, the Holy Spirit.

When any negative thoughts or feelings come
to me, I fill this hole in my cocoon with the
white light of love.

I breathe a sigh of relief as I relax
assured I am safe and secure in this
aura of white light.

I am always protected by my Light Body

Faith as an Artist

Affirmation in January, 1999

I call my I AM Self’s power of faith into action.

I trust my I Am Self
and my mortal self
to co-operate and make art.

Faith flows through my body,
my brain, my spinal column,
my heart and soul,
to my arms, hands and fingers
as I draw and paint.

I am a spiritually expressive artist.
I use many forms of art
whether narrative like this
or in elements of forms:
color, shapes and lines.

Grounding Faith

Affirmation on January 30, 1999

With my power of faith,
I trust my I AM Self
to ground me and to
exchange light and energy
with the Earth.

The light of faith, love and wisdom
activates my seven major chakra centers.

I am a channel
of faith, love and Christ light
to all life on Earth.

Faith as a Mother

Affirmation in February, 1999 and in 2021

With blind faith, human instinct
and coordination of faith with all my
eleven other spiritual powers,
I gave birth to my son, nursed him,
cared for him and raised him.

I remained close to him as
he grew into maturity.
With never-wavering faith,
I continue to support him
with thought projections
as guided by the Holy Spirit.

Faith for the Next Step

Affirmation for September 2, 2000
#1 in a series

I take the next step in my life
with faith and confidence
plus strength and stability.

For Thou, dear God, art with me.

Faith Lifts Me

Affirmation on September 2, 2000

My faith lifts me
above all fears and concerns
into the light of my Self.

#2 in a series

In prayer, meditations and dreams,
my faith lifts me
above concerns of this mortal life.

As I rise into the light of my Christ Self,
my Light Body descends.

It enters into the top of my head,
fills my brain and body.

It absorbs my mortal body
bit by bit over a period of time,
even lifetimes.

To God be the glory.

August 19, 2018

Faith and Strength: Union of brain, spinal cord and nervous system

As I connect to God by faith, God’s light flows into my brain at the top of my head.

The royal blue light of faith now flows through all the cells,
about 70 billion neurons, and the circuits of my cerebrum.

My faith is strong, steady and secure
as it coordinates with the power of strength
which is my spinal cord and my nervous system.

With the braiding of my powers of faith and strength,
signals go throughout my body to my other ten power centers.
I am activated physically, soul/psychically, emotionally and mentally.


Strength-stability-steadfastness is a power of the I Am self. It is represented by Jesus’ apostle Andrew, the brother of Simon Peter, who portrayed the power of faith. Jesus called Peter first and Andrew quickly followed.

Andrew expresses physically as the spinal cord and nerves. Faith-Peter functions as the positive, active Father polarity. Strength-Andrew serves as the negative, receptive, Mother polarity. The nervous system is comprised anatomically of the cerebrum, spinal cord and nerves along with the thalamus, hypothalamus and medulla oblongata at the base of the brain.

In a meditation on strength-stability-steadfastness, Nada-Yolanda saw “lemon yellow” in a vision. She is the co-author with Dr. Robert Knapp, M.D. of “Birth of the Light Body.” Their research explains the twelve spiritual powers and physical systems we use and purify in order to birth our own Light Body-I Am self with in our mortal body.

Faith and strength braided together through the spinal cord.

Braided Rope of Faith and Strength United

I am aware of the union of my brain, spinal cord and nervous system.

I imagine the yellow light of strength, stability and steadfastness braided together with the royal blue light of faith, the powerful faith of God which is secure in the cerebrum of my brain.

This braided light flows down from the base of my brain through my spinal cord and throughout my nervous system.

It is the “mother matrix” in my mortal body connecting and affecting my breathing, my heart and circulatory system, my muscles, movement and voice.

I speak from my I am self with love and wisdom. As my I am self in action, I move my fingers, hands, arms, feet and legs with joy, grace and determination.

I can run and stop. Then I am still, calm and joyful.

With strength and stability I stand, sway, stretch, bend and dance.

I am stable as well as graceful in expressive forms of prayerful movement.

My I am self moves me. We are one/won togehter.


Twelve Spiritual Power Centers